Saturday, April 3, 2010

2nd Rheumatologist Visit

Tuesday, March 30th I went to the rheumatologist for my 2nd visit. She could see from the inflammation that I still have several active joints. We have decided to up my methotrexate dosage from 6 pills a week to 8 pills a week.

I was given a few choices. Up the dosage. Up the dosage and start the process for approval (through insurance) for Humira. Leave the dosage the way it was and in about 6 weeks I could participate in a clinical study. We went with upping the dose and working towards getting me on Humira. She also did a TB scratch test that had to be done before I can start on the Humira. That was negative. I asked for whichever route would get me feeling better the son is graduating from high school in 6 weeks...I have much to do!

The Humira is an injection I will give myself every other week. She has also started reducing the prednisone dosage from 10 mg to 7.5 mg.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Going on a rampage here...:)

Lots of pain these past couple of days...My pinkie does not want to shrink back down! Can't straighten it out. Swollen, red and warm. Last night I had my husband feel my Then I had him feel the rest of my fingers on that cold. The pain in the pinkie goes from the very tip of it to the base of it...through my palm right down to my wrist. The wrist pain is on both sides (inner and outer). The pain from the wrist runs up the bottom of my arm to my elbow. Had a lot of trouble before bed last night, getting comfortable. Woke up at 5:30 this morning in so much pain...couldn't get back to sleep. I got up, hubby made me some toast, took my prednisone and 4 ibuprofen. Went back to sleep around 9:30...pain is more tolerable... but still awful.

The pain in my feet and toes has also been awful. Noticing I can't seem to lift my feet very well...have to be really careful about things on the floor...including throw rugs. I can't lift and step over things like I used I'm shuffling to the side and going around. Had a lot of left hip pain and neck and shoulder pain this morning too. So glad I'm going back to the doctor on Tuesday. (Knee pain seems to be the only joint pain that has not worsened)

I have not been eating well at all. Have not been drinking my V-8 or my water like I started out doing so well. I'm sure this could have a lot to do with how I feel. Finding showers don't feel as good as they used to seems the longer I'm in water, the worse my legs feel. I get out of the shower extremely weakened and shaky. I've been putting off water aerobics for this reason as well. Standing for almost any length of time is difficult. Food preparation takes a lot out of me...may be part of the reason I am not eating as well. Have also had a lot of nausea and just in general stomach "upset".

Tonight I have asked my husband to help me wash and prepare some fresh veggies for snacking through the weekend. Hopefully if they're ready in the fridge, I'll grab for them. Started reading The Sugar Solution...going to try to follow it's guidelines for awhile...can't hurt!

For some reason the blog won't allow me to post to Kami and Jack, thank you for your comments, concern and support! I do appreciate it! And thank you Jamie...I know you're reading and following my journey...your support is also appreciated. A little down these last couple of weeks...Spring is coming and I want to be out there walking and gardening and enjoying things! Hopefully I'll get there soon!

My 3 gratefuls: 1. Sunshine and Spring! 2. Supportive friends! 3. Gardening catalogs and magazines!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still waiting to get better...

Still have the swollen pinkie on the left hand. The pain is in the whole hand now. Whereas it used to be on the outside edge and top of my left is now in the palm, along the thumb, both sides of the wrist. I can not straighten my pinkie out. The pain is also in the second knuckle on the pinkie now.

Right foot, little toe is still swollen as well. Pain on the underside of the feet as well. Left foot big toe still very sore as well...noticing the last few days a shiny red tender spot on side of foot just below the big toe. Very frustrating. Still taking meds like I'm supposed to. Also still taking the vitamins.

Appetite is off. Often feel hungry, but nothing tastes good or don't feel like eating. Wish I could say I was losing weight!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hot and Chubby...

Day 3 of the "chubby finger". Left pinky is swollen so fat. It hurts a lot too...all the way into my hand. Hot to touch. Feet are very painful also. Right foot little toe isn't as swollen, but still a little puffy and painful. Also pain on the bottom of my feet closest to my toes that have pain. Pain on the tops of my feet too...up to my ankle. Pain on the back of my right foot (heal).

I go back to the doctor in Omaha on the 30th. Trying to make sure I note all my changes so I can let her know everything. In my opinion, it seems like it's getting worse...frustrating. Been doing a lot of reading...everything I can find on the internet and all the literature from the doctor again.

It's 3:33 am. I can't sleep. So much pain in my feet and legs. Very tired...pain and restlessness is keeping me awake. Pinky is not as swollen, although I can feel it stiffening up again, so assume I'll wake up with it swollen again.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

1 Step Forward and 2 Steps Back...

Yesterday it felt so good to have made some progress by going down the stairs. Today things are the worst they've ever been. My left hand/wrist pain is awful...I can not straighten my pinky...the whole wrist, hand is swollen. When I try to turn my hand it trembles. I can barely bend any of my fingers on the left hand.

Started having hip pain late last night again. Now my right foot is swollen completely smooth and little toe is swollen huge and very painful. Very hard to walk with all the pain in my toes. These are all new problems...very frustrating!

The stairs no longer intimidate me...

Wednesday...the dreaded day of the methotrexate dose!!! Today was one of the worst days for nausea I've had so far...luckily I took the first 1/2 of the dosage early with some breakfast and my other meds and went back to sleep during the worst of it! lol Still having some stomach isn't sounding so good...basically ate soup for lunch and supper. Had a baked potato later to take my night meds with. Doing well taking the vitamins and meds...not so good with the rest. :(

My left pinky is horribly painful today...along with the rest of my left hand. I'm noticing that pinky seems to have a crook in it and their is a slight bump in the knuckle closest to the tip of my finger on the outside edge. That does worry me a bit...I'm hoping it isn't permanent damage already. I blame the pain on the strain I put on it when I pushed down on it to get out of the tub the other day. Other than that today wasn't too bad pain wise. Beautiful weather outside today...opened up some windows and the patio doors...the fresh air felt great! Did some light cleaning...

I realized I had nothing planned for supper this afternoon...with no one around to check the freezer in the basement for me I decided to give the steps a try! To my surprise it wasn't too bad! Coming up was even easier! I thought about keeping this success to myself...kinda nice having people run up and down the steps for you when you need something! lol But, I kinda let the cat out of the bag without thinking about it!

Three things I am grateful for today...1. Scanners on the was fun to post some old pictures of my brother and I and some of our cousins from when we were little tots! 2. I am grateful that I can do the steps again ...this means progress is being made! 3. I am grateful I got to talk to my best friend tonight...we hadn't talked for a few days and I missed that!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Darn Baths...

Yesterday I took my first bath in weeks! Because of my knee and hand pain, I have not been able to get in and out of the tub. (Showers are ok...but I missed my bathtub!) felt awesome! Turned the bathtub jets on and soaked...then I started to realize the warm water did not feel real good on my knees...not sure why???!!! I got in by myself, but I knew I wasn't coming out by myself! lol My husband had to help pull me from the doing so, I put both hands down on the sides of the tub and pushed myself up...the pain that shot through my left hand and arm was knees were weak and my left one flew out in front of me. Lesson learned? baths for me yet...back to the shower! I woke up this morning in terrible pain. Left arm and hand, back and left calf pain. Got my meds in me...better, but not as good as I should be.

Food today...not much. Nothing tastes good to me. Seriously...the chicken that tasted so good yesterday...tasted horrible today. I had a breakfast sandwich for breakfast, cup of soup for lunch and a baked potato for supper. Stomach is still hurting...I think it has to do with the meds or the vitamins...don't think it's the flu, thank goodness.

My 3 gratefuls for today...1. My 8 year old son...without knowing it, his hugs and concern meant the world to me tonight. His cold little hands made the burn of the inflammation in my wrist feel so good! 2. My husband...I'd still be in the tub without him. 3. I admit it...having a tough time with the third one it! The delete button on the computer. Fixes a lot!